I don’t know about y’all, but I just knew the longer we were quarantined online dating would get better. I mean, how are people meeting? But I swear it’s getting worse. So once again, I’m sharing my list of do’s and don’ts of online dating. PLEASE share this with your single friends/family members, especially your single male friends/family members for me. Ya girl needs help. LOL!
My face when I see all these don’t below
Check the box saying you don’t smoke but then post multiple pics of you smoking.
Make up a profession. We can tell they are made up.
Say swipe right for more info. We are NOT swiping right. They make it easy now and give you questions to answer. Just answer two or three. It’s not hard.
Post group pics. We don’t know you.
Have a pic by your refrigerator wide open and it looks like a liquor store with no food. I’m not against drinking, but come on. If you’re in your 40s or older. That’s not cute. Grow up!
Have a pic with you and other women. Especially if you all are all hugged up. Could it be a mom or sister? Sure. But how am I supposed to know that?
Have the jail as your background…I’m not judging, but find a spot that doesn’t look like a jail. Or wait until you get out jail. You can’t take me out anyway.
Have one picture. Variety is the spice of life. We need multiple pics.
Post pics of your car. I’m glad you have a car, but the type of car you have does not show personality. Plus no one cares.
Being angry in the about me section. Everybody isn’t going to swipe right on you and its okay. Having a rude message about someone not swiping right before they get a chance to swipe right will definitely get you a left swipe.
Don’t call people on the site desperate in your text because guess what you are on the site too douche bag.
Post pics of you holding money, throwing money, etc. NO ONE CARES!
Take the conversation offline and get super weird in the first text conversation. Examples: sending voice memos singing Club Nouvea’s song “Rumor”, stating “we go together now,” etc. News Flash…that’s a turn off.
Have multiple pictures. Give us options. Example: One with a hat, one without etc.
Post pics of you only. Unless you have kids. But make sure and add that in your summary about yourself.
Pick your best pics. First impressions are everything.
Tell a little about who you are. Your interest, etc. I’m inclined to swipe right if we have things in common.
My face when a man fills the profile out right!
I don’t claim to be an online dating expert, but I have swiped more while being quarantined so I’ve seen a lot. All the don’ts above come from firsthand experience. I’ve not giving up yet, but I’m close. Don’t forget to share with me your online dating do’s and don’ts.
Thanks for reading,