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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in love, life and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

New Year, Same Me…Kind Of!

I learned a long time ago that New Year, New Me never works because life happens and honestly, you just have to be yourself with maybe a tune-up. I hope I used that right. I  know nothing about cars. LOL!

But I’m kind of new this year. Losing my dad was/is a gut punch. We always say “life is short” but until it really shows you it’s short how believable is it? My dad was only 67 years old and no one will ever make me think that was long enough. But let’s also be honest, no matter how old he would have been it wouldn’t have been long enough for me.

Losing someone super close to you changes you. It makes you look at everything differently. A lot of things you thought were huge just aren’t. The things you were mad about fade away because you now know without a shadow of a doubt life is to short and you can lose the people you love at any moment. Really, it makes you see everything differently.

My dad lived life on his own terms. He enjoyed life, he didn’t have fears and if he did, he did it anyway. He did NOT care what anyone thought about him and that goes for his family too. He did him. My dad lived a life with no regrets because if he wanted it or wanted to do it he did it. My dad was always happy and if he got mad (which he did) it didn’t last long and he didn’t allow you to be mad long either. Speaking from experience. LOL!

I miss my dad every single day and I think about him everyday. I think a lot about how he lived and I realized I want to live like that. As much as I didn’t want to lose my dad, I think he fought to stay here until he was confident he accomplished all he set out to do. And that’s the kind of life I want. No regrets.

So when I  say New Year, Same Me…Kind of that’s what I  mean. I’m the same person, most of me hasn’t changed, but the one thing I plan to change is to let fear go. Stop putting things off for fear of what people will say, will they like it etc. and if you follow me on social media I have already started. I’ve been doing more reels. I was so nervous about doing reels because in my head, I wasn’t good at them. Then there is also the fear that even if I post it will people like it. Being honest, if you only get 20 likes and/or 50 views and you worked hard that SUCKS. But I’m still going to put it out there.

I’m also getting on IG stories every day with my face not just pics. Actually, my face and talking to y’all. I don’t know why, but that is so strange to me but I’m doing it. There is also something else I’ve put off for a really, really long time, but I will be introducing that to you all soon too.

So basically I’m living like Danny Ray (my daddy). Whenever my time comes (Hey Jesus, not to soon though…I  have things to do) I want to go knowing I did all I was put on this earth to do. We all have a purpose, we just have to find it.

Have you found your purpose? Are you doing it?

Thanks for reading,


2021 Intentions