Intention: an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result
I stopped setting resolutions so long ago because I never kept them. I typically write out goals (I have written some) but if I’m being honest, I don’t always follow through so this year I decided to set some intentions. Realistic intentions, I hope.
Focused on these intentions
There are so many things I say I’m going to stop saying or doing, but I never do so this year I have decided to set some true intentions to hold myself accountable and by sharing with you all you will hold me accountable too.
Just a FYI, here is the difference in intentions and goals. Intentions provide you with reminders of how you want to live your life. They’re often related to internal things like motivation and inspiration. Goals typically relate to tangible, outward things, such as losing 10 pounds or learning to code.
My Intentions:
I will accept myself as enough. I say a lot of negative things about myself. I am better, but I still do it so this year I want it to end.
I will look for the positive side in negative situations. If you missed it, my word for the year is JOY and I plan to find joy every day and this one is going to help me with that.
I will show up for myself. I know this may sound crazy, especially if you know me, but this one is more doing things for myself that are good for me. Real self-care. Let’s be honest binging, and eating cake shouldn’t always be my form of self-care.
I will be intentional about quiet time when I wake up and before I go to bed. Another truth, I may be a social media junkie. I wake up to social media and go to sleep with it. That can’t be good.
I will let God handle it. This one right here is going to be hard. I say let go and let God, but do I really? Nope! But I want/need to.
I will accept my successes, no matter how small. I’m the person that someone will give me a kudo and I’ll come back and say something negative.
I will practice meditation. I’ve been saying this forever, but I feel like it’s so needed. I have to do it.
I will be more grateful for things that I take for granted. Waking up, walking, etc.
I will take time out each day to breathe deeply. I’ve found this is very helpful, but I typically only do it when I’ve had it.
Walking into these intentions with a positive attitude
These intentions aren’t in any order. They are just all the ways I want to begin to live my life going forward. I will be 44 this year. Not a spring chicken and I feel like I really need to take control of my life and get it together. I want to be zen. Chill, laid-back and just living my life without all the extra. Now I know none of this will be easy nor will it change overnight, but I’m committed to working on it.
Did you set any intentions this year? If so, please share them. I would love to read them.
As always, thanks for reading and make sure you find some joy today!