This is part three of my Women’s History month series. I decided to do this series because this is such an important month and I wanted to acknowledge it my way.
I reached out to some of my dope friends and asked them some questions that I thought were relevant to us as women.
I promise I’m not biased but the responses from the question I asked my friends for this week will bless your soul. It definitely blessed mine.
I have been struggling in my current job and hoping for something new but as we all know it can be a scary time, especially when you’re not in your 20s or heck, even your 30s, but this career advice my friends shared has me thinking I can do anything I set my mind to.
Sit back and absorb all of this greatness!
“I can’t remember any advice that sticks out more than any other. Experiences seem to be my way of receiving advice. So, I guess I’m still waiting for the best career advice since I have soooo much more in store to conquer! LOL.” – Angie
“When it stops being fun, let it go.” - Brittany
“Be humble but let them know.” – Carmen
“Don’t be afraid of change. It is constant and inevitable. Take a chance and don’t ever tell yourself “you can’t do it” without trying. It’s better to try and fail, than never try and wonder. I don’t know where this came from, or who gave me this advice, but I basically live by it when it comes to my career.” – Kellie
“I was listening to the radio and the person said...If you want God to bless you with a new job, you have to do your part and prepare for it. Yes, you have prayed for it and offered it up. But you have to prepare for it physically, mentally and visibly. Clear off your desk as if that was your last day at your old job. You have to think about it mentally and believe that you are already at your new desk at your new job in your new position. Lastly, drive by that new place of employment and imagine yourself walking in your first day. Now, trust me, God won't move you until He is ready and his timing is perfect. (Insert praise dance) So if you are where you don't want to be ask God....what do you want me to learn from this job and to help you prepare for the next level He is about to take you to. Sometimes that job we have been eyeing may not be the one that He has for us, but when it comes that job is for you it will be greater, in every aspect ... location, money, position, colleagues, boss... than what we could have ever imagined. Hold's coming!” - Kina
“Speak up and don't let others take credit for your work. It's okay to be your own cheerleader and make sure you receive the accolades you deserve.” - Leigh
Trust yourself. Often, I, and many women, struggle with trusting ourselves. We think, “I’ll be ready soon” but if we keep waiting on the “soon” will we ever take the leap? That doesn’t mean stop preparing or working on gathering skills, but sometimes you have to learn as you leap. So trust yourself-you have wings.” - Neysa
“The best career advice is don’t take shit personal. Mostly everything is NOT about you. Decisions have to be made period. Nobody is worried about how you feel, it’s a business that must extend and operate outside of you.” - Nicole
“Rico (my dad) told me to shake hands + introduce myself to every person in the room. You never know who you're going to meet. The follow-up is also huge. Make sure to connect via e-mail if you receive a business card. Thank you notes also leave a terrific impression. It never hurts to send an e-mail. There are 3 responses - yes, no, or they don't reply. The worst case, you lost 2 minutes of your day, but the best case scenario could set your career!” – Sarah
“To be me because in any situation that arises, I'm always enough.” – Sheena
Thanks so much for reading…part 4 next week. And here’s a hint…it’s so good!
Crowned CaNesha